{"id":2552,"date":"2023-06-13T21:04:18","date_gmt":"2023-06-13T21:04:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/alfredolana.com\/?p=2552"},"modified":"2023-06-13T21:06:07","modified_gmt":"2023-06-13T21:06:07","slug":"ex-lider-de-crescimento-do-pinterest-e-grubhub-sobre-a-construcao-de-ciclos-de-conteudo","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/alfredolana.com\/ex-lider-de-crescimento-do-pinterest-e-grubhub-sobre-a-construcao-de-ciclos-de-conteudo\/","title":{"rendered":"Ex-L\u00edder de Crescimento do Pinterest e Grubhub sobre a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de Ciclos de Conte\u00fado"},"content":{"rendered":"

Crescimento em formato de taco de h\u00f3quei. Boca a boca. Tornar-se viral. Olhe al\u00e9m do jarg\u00e3o e encontre o sonho dos fundadores: o tipo de crescimento explosivo que as startups desejam. As empresas mais celebradas s\u00e3o elogiadas pelo r\u00e1pido crescimento exponencial de usu\u00e1rios, uma realidade que a maioria das startups n\u00e3o consegue replicar. Mas a boa not\u00edcia \u00e9 que n\u00e3o \u00e9 o \u00fanico caminho. E, de acordo com o consultor de escalabilidade e crescimento Casey Winters, nem mesmo \u00e9 o melhor.<\/p>\n

Winters descobriu que investidores e startups muitas vezes n\u00e3o conseguem diferenciar entre os tipos de ciclos de crescimento que impulsionam os produtos. E escolher o caminho errado pode levar a um resultado muito diferente: um em que o crescimento e o engajamento dos usu\u00e1rios diminuem e a popularidade despenca. Em vez disso, Winters acredita que as startups devem explorar uma abordagem frequentemente negligenciada: construir um ciclo de conte\u00fado.<\/p>\n

A experi\u00eancia de Winters liderando fun\u00e7\u00f5es de marketing de crescimento no Grubhub e Pinterest mostrou que os ciclos de conte\u00fado trazem resultados positivos. Quando ele se juntou ao Grubhub, era uma startup de S\u00e9rie A de um milh\u00e3o de d\u00f3lares com 30.000 usu\u00e1rios e 15 funcion\u00e1rios em dois mercados. Quando ele saiu, sua estrat\u00e9gia de conte\u00fado e SEO ajudou a transformar o site de pedidos de comida online em uma empresa p\u00fablica de 10 bilh\u00f5es de d\u00f3lares com tr\u00eas milh\u00f5es de usu\u00e1rios e 1.000 funcion\u00e1rios. Seu hist\u00f3rico no Pinterest \u00e9 igualmente impressionante. Quando Winters entrou como gerente de marketing de crescimento, a empresa tinha 200 pessoas e 40 milh\u00f5es de usu\u00e1rios ativos, mas o crescimento estava diminuindo. O ciclo de conte\u00fado e a estrat\u00e9gia de SEO em larga escala introduzidos por Winters e sua equipe ajudaram a inaugurar uma segunda onda de crescimento, levando a mais de 200 milh\u00f5es de usu\u00e1rios e uma avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de 12 bilh\u00f5es de d\u00f3lares. Agora, ele utiliza essas experi\u00eancias como consultor de escalabilidade para uma lista extensa de empresas, desde Eventbrite e Reddit at\u00e9 Thumbtack e Hipcamp.<\/p>\n

Nesta entrevista exclusiva, Winters defende o crescimento atrav\u00e9s de um ciclo de conte\u00fado, comparando-o com outros modelos e explicando como ele aplicou com sucesso essa abordagem para escalar o Grubhub e o Pinterest em seus primeiros dias. Ele detalha o que funcionou e o que n\u00e3o funcionou, revelando o processo de 5 etapas que ele seguiu e compartilhando mais tr\u00eas estrat\u00e9gias avan\u00e7adas para startups em est\u00e1gio inicial que procuram construir um plano de crescimento acentuado e sustent\u00e1vel.<\/p>\n


Os ciclos de conte\u00fado envolvem a publica\u00e7\u00e3o e compartilhamento de m\u00eddia, que \u00e9 ent\u00e3o compartilhada pela empresa, seus usu\u00e1rios ou parceiros. Essa a\u00e7\u00e3o desencadeia inscri\u00e7\u00f5es, ativa\u00e7\u00f5es e engajamento do usu\u00e1rio, o que leva a mais compartilhamento da m\u00eddia. Isso completa o “loop” ou ciclo.<\/p>\n

Winters viu como os ciclos de conte\u00fado se originam em v\u00e1rios ambientes de startups. Ele teve seu primeiro gostinho de sucesso com essa estrat\u00e9gia de crescimento ao trabalhar como especialista em SEO no Apartments.com. L\u00e1, ele e sua equipe agruparam listagens de apartamentos e im\u00f3veis em p\u00e1ginas de destino regionais e espec\u00edficas por categoria e distribu\u00edram essas p\u00e1ginas curadas para o Google. Ele adotou uma abordagem semelhante quando se tornou a primeira contrata\u00e7\u00e3o de marketing do Grubhub, criando p\u00e1ginas de destino que organizavam restaurantes por regi\u00f5es e tipos de culin\u00e1ria, para que os usu\u00e1rios pudessem pesquisar por comida tailandesa e encontrar uma p\u00e1gina curada de restaurantes tailandeses locais nos resultados.<\/p>\n

Com os aprendizados do Grubhub em m\u00e3os, Winters aplicou essas t\u00e9cnicas novamente para impulsionar o crescimento em seu pr\u00f3ximo cargo no Pinterest. Nos primeiros dias, a empresa crescia em cima do protocolo Open Graph do Facebook, o que significa que toda vez que os usu\u00e1rios fixavam algo, o conte\u00fado seria distribu\u00eddo em seus feeds do Facebook para que todos os seus amigos pudessem ver.<\/p>\n

“O Pinterest era muito uma rede social, constru\u00edda em torno do conte\u00fado que seus amigos estavam salvando. Mas logo depois que me juntei no final de 2013, o Facebook mudou as regras e removeu o recurso de ‘auto-compartilhamento’ padr\u00e3o, no qual muitos aplicativos e sites de terceiros que usavam a API de login do Facebook confiavam. Agora, os usu\u00e1rios tinham que conceder permiss\u00e3o espec\u00edfica para voc\u00ea distribuir seu conte\u00fado”, diz Winters. “A oportunidade do Open Graph desapareceu da noite para o dia, o que prejudicou muitas startups que estavam aproveitando isso. De repente, o Pinterest n\u00e3o tinha mais uma maneira confi\u00e1vel de atrair novos usu\u00e1rios. Tivemos que repensar completamente nossa estrat\u00e9gia de crescimento”.<\/p>\n

Winters se p\u00f4s a trabalhar, aplicando suas experi\u00eancias anteriores para investigar oportunidades de crescimento em SEO e enfrentar esse desafio. Ele ficou feliz em descobrir que, por causa de como o produto funcionava, os usu\u00e1rios do Pinterest j\u00e1 estavam fazendo parte do trabalho. Os usu\u00e1rios estavam criando pain\u00e9is cheios de pins e repinando conte\u00fado de outros usu\u00e1rios que era valioso, vasculhando a internet em busca do melhor conte\u00fado em uma ampla variedade de t\u00f3picos.<\/p>\n

In order to mine this content gold, Winters worked with Pinterest engineers to make users\u2019 boards more searchable on Google, identifying the collections that would rank well. They also created new boards by aggregating the \u201cbest-of-the-best\u201d pins and repins, making these new creations available to Google searchers as well, which ranked even higher in the eyes of the algorithms. This is what helped form the second arc of the traffic-generating content loop. Google users found these boards and became Pinterest users who created boards of their own. And the virtuous cycle made another revolution, quickly becoming Pinterest\u2019s primary avenue for attracting new users.<\/p>\n


Of course, there are limitations to the power of the content model. As Winters points out, neither Pinterest nor Grubhub employees were primarily responsible for driving the content value or volume, as the demand and supply sides of their products took care of it. \u201cIf you try to create everything yourself, it\u2019s just going to be hard to compete with a company like Pinterest which now has a 100 billion pins,\u201d he says.<\/p>\n

But for Pinterest, the content was just the right mix, and the introduction of this loop unleashed a second wave of growth, which was a much-needed follow-on after the first wave had flattened out following Facebook\u2019s Open Graph platform rules change. The company has since found that this new wave of users still drive significant revenue and have been more active, most likely because they saw the value of Pinterest for discovering content, not just as a platform that has their friends on it.<\/p>\n



For the startup seeking to create a content loop, here\u2019s the the 5-step process that Winters suggests to assess the opportunity and get started:<\/p>\n

Find ways to get content from your users.<\/strong> Content is unsurprisingly the key ingredient of any content loop, so identify the kind of content that will drive your model, and be valuable for users and non-users alike. \u201cAsk yourself: \u2018Do I have some sort of asset that’s being created that I can lean into? Is there a natural way the product can create this content or not?\u2019\u201d says Winters. \u201cIt\u2019s okay if there isn\u2019t content being created today. There\u2019s a lot of low-hanging fruit to go after. You\u2019d be surprised how powerful a simple review is. Or building specific pages for geographic areas. It doesn\u2019t have to be rocket science.\u201d<\/p>\n

Give users an incentive (and a mechanism) to share that content.<\/strong> Early on, make the process of sharing of content is as frictionless as possible. Winters points to YouTube and Musical.ly<\/a> as stellar examples of seamless sharing. YouTube allowed users to embed their videos on any website or app, driving users to sign up and encourage their friends to follow their content. And after noticing teens filming themselves lip syncing to songs online, Musical.ly made it easier to film and share videos inside and outside of the app. \u201cThink about your users and where they\u2019ll be sharing. For example, in different countries it may be WhatsApp, so you have to support that,\u201d says Winters. \u201cAnd if your users aren\u2019t motivated to share, see if you<\/em> can share it in a way that makes sense. At Pinterest we distributed popular boards to Google search and at Grubhub we distributed the information we got from restaurants to customers.\u201d<\/p>\n

Find where your community lives and double down.<\/strong> After putting the content and sharing tools in place, startups need to determine which communities will drive enough viewership of their content and then find a way to maximize them. \u201cYou’re trying to figure out who the audience is. What is their intent? Where do they live online?,\u201d says Winters. \u201cIf your audience intends to be seen as thought leaders, maybe they\u2019ll go to LinkedIn<\/a>. If they\u2019re engineers, they may go to Hacker News<\/a>. At Pinterest, we found that our audience was going to Google, so we built up a team of engineers focused on SEO.\u201d<\/p>\n

Trace traffic back to the source to tweak your product.<\/strong> When looking at users streaming in, entrepreneurs should break the traffic down by source to match user intent with the value of the product. If users aren\u2019t converting from a particular source, it may be because they are a bad fit for the product. But with small changes, they may become a good fit. For example, when Winters\u2019 content loop campaign at Pinterest initially started bringing in more Google search users, his team found that they were converting at lower rates. That was because Pinterest\u2019s onboarding flow focused on surfacing content from their friends that were already on the network, which didn\u2019t match up with their intent. \u201cIf users searched for Chukka boots on Google, landed on a Pinterest board and signed up to see more, their feed focused on content from their Facebook friends. But that typically had nothing to do with Chukka boots \u2014 not exactly the ideal experience,\u201d says Winters. \u201cSo we changed the onboarding flow to show topic recommendations instead. And we saw an increase in activation rates. This also helped with another problem we had, which was a growing gender imbalance. We didn’t think there was anything fundamentally female leaning about the Pinterest platform, it\u2019s just that our early go-to-market community happened to be midwestern moms,\u201d he says. \u201cSo when men signed up, 90% of their feed was content targeted to females. But when we switched to a topics approach instead, men were able to immediately connect with the content they cared about.\u201d<\/p>\n

Convert, activate and add some friction to feed the loop.<\/strong> Converting those who see the content is a huge component of the loop. \u201cYou need to make it sticky. If people came from Google to Pinterest and didn\u2019t sign up, that’s fine, but at the very least they should leave with a better understanding of how Pinterest can help them in the long run. So we were constantly experimenting with ways to unlock that,\u201d says Winters. One of those experiments involved introducing a roadblock. \u201cIf you came to Pinterest from a Google search, we would show you a bunch of related pins, but after you started scrolling, it would actually block you from scrolling more until you signed up. It worked very effectively. We threw that thing up as a two day hacky experiment, but kept it,\u201d says Winters. \u201cBut if you\u2019ve created value, you can feel comfortable introducing some friction in order to showcase more because it\u2019s the higher quality users who are going to withstand the friction in order to participate.”<\/p>\n

Scaling expert and growth advisor Casey Winters<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


If your growth team has mastered the basics, there are a few extra tips that Winters has for startups seeking more advanced techniques with their content loops. Here, he shares three recommendations that can help companies chart course for the deeper waters of content-driven growth.<\/p>\n

Experiment to accelerate learning, not to find a silver bullet.<\/strong><\/p>\n

The loop won\u2019t be effective if visitors aren\u2019t converted into users that actively engage with a product. And in Winters\u2019 experience, that takes frequent \u2014 and failed \u2014 experiments.<\/p>\n

For example, Winters and his team ran an experiment with Google users that skipped the new topic picker during onboarding entirely, instead building a content feed based on the user\u2019s original Google search query. The thinking was that specificity would increase activation rates, but in fact the opposite happened. The query-based feed approach helped users find what they were looking for, but it didn\u2019t encourage them to return to see new content. \u201cThey had a great first experience and found precisely what they wanted \u2014 they just never came back,\u201d says Winters.<\/p>\n

Iterating to surface actionable insights is key to fine-tuning the cogs of the content loop, so founding teams shouldn\u2019t hesitate to dive in and start tinkering, even if they are resource constrained. \u201cThe amount of experiments you run is limited by how long it takes to learn, not by how big your engineering team is. Experimenting on search engine traffic could take about a month to glean insights and measuring activation rates can also be a slow process. Sometimes there\u2019s no way to speed up the learning,\u201d says Winters. \u201cOther things such as conversion optimization could be tested in a couple of days. And it\u2019s fine if you\u2019re working with a smaller number of users, because in the early days of a startup you\u2019re just looking for big changes. When it comes to experiments, don\u2019t shoot for victory or failure. Instead, ask: \u2018What did I actually learn from this that helps me build the next thing?\u2019\u201d<\/p>\n

Vary strategy and metrics for each segment of the content loop.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Once a content loop is set in motion, the next step is to measure how it\u2019s working (or not). And according to Winters, the key metrics to pay attention to will vary depending on the stage of the content loop. \u201cWhen you\u2019re focusing on the start of the loop, you\u2019ll want to increase traffic and then conversion rates for new users,\u201d says Winters. \u201cLater in the loop, your focus should be on increasing activation rates to ensure that these new users won\u2019t drop off.\u201d<\/p>\n

Content isn\u2019t just about getting people to your product. You have to stop people from landing and leaving.<\/p>\n

For the founder that\u2019s not sure where to start, Winters advises spending your time on the slowest moving part of the loop, zeroing in on what\u2019s dragging and concentrating firepower there. \u201cAt Pinterest, the content loop strategy initially was all about boosting top-of-the-funnel traffic<\/strong>, because our original problem was that we weren\u2019t getting enough new people. But once we got more traffic in from Google, we realized people weren\u2019t signing up, so we honed in on boosting our conversion rates<\/strong> specifically from Google. Then it became about driving sharing behavior<\/strong> from these new users, so we were looking at how many new pages were generated that Google could index and the traffic that those new pages received,\u201d he says. \u201cBut to take a step back, the key metric isn\u2019t signups or traffic. The ultimate goal for a business like Pinterest is just engaged users<\/strong>. How many people are you actually providing value to? We measured that by looking at the repin rate because it also drove the quality of our content loop.\u201d<\/p>\n

Lean into SEO to build authority and ignite long-term growth.<\/strong><\/p>\n

For many teams just getting started, SEO can be an intimidating tactic<\/a>. It seems competitive, as though you\u2019ll be drowned out by more established competitors with bigger purse strings. But for Winters, it was an essential building block of his scrappy growth strategies.<\/p>\n

\u201cMany entrepreneurs think SEO is scary black magic that\u2019s tough to decode. But it\u2019s actually more understandable and sustainable than other platforms. You need to set the foundation for good SEO in the future immediately, because the sooner you start the better it’s going to be,\u201d he says. \u201cI always tell my clients that there is a kindle strategy<\/strong> and a fire strategy.<\/strong> The kindle is whatever helps you grab those first groups of users so you can validate product\/market fit. But then the fire is how you actually scale<\/em>. Too often people confuse the two. While SEO is a fantastic fire strategy, it’s hard for it to be a kindle strategy, so you need to keep that in mind.\u201d<\/p>\n

For Winters, it comes down to remembering that SEO is a different way of thinking. \u201cWhen you\u2019re creating content and looking at SEO, you have two clients essentially: the user and the bot. It\u2019s a common misconception that you\u2019re building features or writing content purely for SEO, when in reality you should be building a feature because it’s good for the user, but then it also has a by-product of being good for the search engine, which in turn makes it good for new users. For example, we built reviews at Grubhub so that people had a better understanding of which restaurant they order from, but it also worked out as relevant unique content that helped us rank on search engines as well.\u201d<\/p>\n

More specifically, Winters notes that Google\u2019s algorithms care about two things:<\/p>\n

Relevance<\/strong>. Does the content match with the problem the user is trying to solve when they search? To improve on this, Winters recommends including enough text on your pages to explain what your content is about. \u201cPinterest\u2019s pages used to be all images. Google had no idea what any given content was for, so it didn\u2019t rank it,\u201d he says. \u201cWe got increasingly better at aggregating all of the descriptive content across Pinterest into a focused area on these pages, both in the metadata and on the pages themselves.\u201d<\/p>\n

Trust<\/strong>. To build trust with Google search, you\u2019ll need to build up your domain\u2019s authority by increasing the quantity and quality of external links that point to your pages. Solving for trust is the trickier end of the equation, as it largely comes from media mentions. And if you’re an early stage startup, typically you’re competing with an incumbent that could have decades worth of links pointing to it. \u201cWhen Grubhub launched in new cities, no one was using us and we had no authority. And Seamless had actually been on the web since 1999<\/a>. So we had to think of a scalable strategy to get links quickly,\u201d says Winters.<\/p>\n

Here are his two top tactics for startups looking to punch above their weight on SEO:<\/p>\n

Reach out to influencers.<\/strong> \u201cWhen we were launching into a new city at Grubhub, I went to a lot of local bloggers and newspaper sites and offered them a promo code for their readers in exchange for a write up. So that helped with our authority pretty quickly,\u201d Winters says. \u201cSince then Google has changed their guidelines, so now I recommend seeding content to receptive writers and browsing sites where they learn about new products, such as Product Hunt<\/a> or Techmeme<\/a>.\u201d<\/p>\n

Pitch your data.<\/strong> \u201cStartups often don\u2019t realize how the data they\u2019re collecting might be useful for getting press,\u201d Winters says. \u201cHow many people are doing this weird trend on your app? That should be a scalable story every month. At Pinterest, we would curate the most popular trends around DIY or weddings on a regular basis and release these \u2018what\u2019s hot on Pinterest\u2019 trend stories.\u201d Winters suggests scaling out data-driven stories by geography. For example, a jobs site could write about job trends in different locales and distribute them to local papers. Or take the case of Hipcamp<\/a>. The campsite-booking site created content about the solar eclipse and distributed these stories to areas in the path of totality, where viewers and die-hard eclipse chasers could see the full show. Local papers in these areas, as well as national publications, picked up their content and linked to it.<\/p>\n

Funding rounds aren\u2019t even a shoo-in for press these days. There\u2019s something intriguing in every data set. Find it and pitch novel trends to get links back to your site.<\/p>\n


Winters is bullish on content loops, not only because of their results throughout his career, but because of the issues he\u2019s seen companies bump up against when using other models.<\/p>\n

Here\u2019s Winters\u2019 rundown on the other growth loops out there, and why they do and don\u2019t work, (a topic he explores further in a growth models course<\/a> he\u2019s helped develop).<\/p>\n

Viral loops<\/strong><\/p>\n

Viral loops are the hallmarks of explosive growth, the first thing that comes to mind when startups think of something taking off and catching on. From social media platforms to Slack, some companies are able to tap into something innate that allowed them to grow incredibly quickly. But Winters finds them to be a tough needle to thread.<\/p>\n

\u201cA viral loop is very hard to execute, because your product or your content has to be extremely gripping. And people signing up need to feel like the product is going to be better if their friends are on it with them, yet there are just very few scenarios where that’s actually true,\u201d he says. \u201cPinterest tried to make that happen at first, but as people starting using the platform for their interests instead of to follow their friends, there wasn\u2019t a lot of overlap. It wasn\u2019t clear how if I invited you, Pinterest would get better for me. Whereas for Snapchat and Facebook, that’s more obvious.\u201d<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more is that people often attribute other kinds of growth to virality. \u201cA lot of people think a company\u2019s user growth is a viral loop. People will say things like \u2018Instagram grew totally virally.\u2019 But is that really true? They also grew because people saw cool photos on their Facebook feed. They saw Instagram\u2019s great content because other people were distributing it in a different channel. In reality, Instagram had both content and viral loops going,\u201d says Winters.<\/p>\n

And even if viral loops seem to drive growth initially, they rarely lead to sustainable<\/em> growth. As Winters points out, many social media platforms are now experiencing flatlining user growth and decreased engagement. \u201cTwitter and Snapchat are frequently referenced as examples of this,\u201d he says. \u201cThey essentially signed up the entire internet and now they have all these dormant users that they need to figure out how to re-engage.\u201d<\/p>\n

Paid acquisition loops<\/strong><\/p>\n

Another popular growth strategy involves taking money from a newly signed up user and reinvesting it into ads to attract more users.<\/p>\n

\u201cPaid acquisition loops can work well, especially for e-commerce sites. When a business can quantify the revenue captured from a user signup and reinvest a certain amount back into the Google AdWords or Facebook ads, that can be an effective way to go after growth. A huge part of the appeal is that paid acquisition loops are very easy to get going. You can start advertising on platforms right away, with just a few minutes of set-up,\u201d says Winters. \u201cIt also can support other loops. For example, at Grubhub, we ran paid campaigns on top of our content loop. Any new user who ordered food made it more likely that restaurants would join the site, and more restaurants meant more users. Ads helped us accelerate the cross-side network effect powered by restaurant content.\u201d<\/p>\n

While paid acquisition may seem to be an attractive strategy for quick growth, when it comes to building sustainable growth loops, it\u2019s important to remember that there are no shortcuts. As Winters points out, many entrepreneurs think that paying for user signups will eventually spark a viral loop. But this kind of growth can mask deeper retention problems that don\u2019t get addressed until it\u2019s too late.<\/p>\n

\u201cOver the past five years, the volume and velocity of capital that\u2019s out there for startups has papered over a lot of problems. It\u2019s tempting to just raise another round and keep spending more on paid acquisition. And while it initially brings in users who convert well, you eventually reach a limit. So then you are paying for users who are less of a fit and don\u2019t convert as well,\u201d says Winters. \u201cMany delivery or subscription model businesses eventually end up in a death spiral of replacing high-value customers with worse customers at higher prices over time. Unless there is a core network effect inside of a product, paid acquisition is a race to the bottom over time<\/strong>. It also pushes you to do too much too fast. When it\u2019s so successful in the beginning, you\u2019re not forced to look at other angles to see if they can work. So companies grow bigger than they were capable of sustainably supporting and then are unable to pull another growth lever.\u201d<\/p>\n

Your startup probably won\u2019t fail because you run out of money \u2014 it’s premature scaling that actually kills you.<\/p>\n

Sales loops<\/strong><\/p>\n

The sales loop is another popular growth option for companies. When a high-value contract is signed with a customer, the profit is reinvested into growing the sales team, with the idea being that as the sales team expands and learns how to sell more effectively, more contracts will come in at higher conversion rates and customers will become more valuable over time. Similar to paid acquisition, sales loops can also augment other loops. At Grubhub and Pinterest, Winters found that sales outreach to restaurants and advertisers respectively was the most effective method to sign up restaurants to get their menu content, which in turn brought in new users.<\/p>\n

But sales loops require customers who individually deliver high lifetime value to justify the hefty investment that\u2019s required to hire, train and retain salespeople. That\u2019s why sales loops are ideal for B2B products that carry high price tags and involve long-term contractual relationships. \u201cI\u2019ve seen too many startups jump on the sales train, thinking that\u2019s going to be their growth engine. But if you aren\u2019t meeting a certain price point, then you just don’t have enough cash to pay the sales person. You have to have the right systems in place, the right lifetime value and the right order value to be able to justify that model, which not everyone does,\u201d says Winters.<\/p>\n

Choose your own path to growth by asking these three questions.<\/strong><\/p>\n

When evaluating these models, Winters recommends taking a step back. \u201cYou need to integrate a growth strategy into the product\u2019s development from the start, and have a plan for retaining users for the long term,\u201d he says.<\/p>\n

For him, sustainable growth lies in the intersection of three questions:<\/p>\n

Can we build or retain users who are consistently finding value<\/strong> in our product?<\/p>\n

Can we monetize<\/strong> those users in a way that will support the business?<\/p>\n

Do answers to the previous questions lend themselves to a sustainable acquisition strategy<\/strong>?<\/p>\n

\u201cBusinesses that succeed work on all three of these questions at once. For example, if you can create a content loop across the ways that you acquire and retain users and monetize your product, you\u2019re in good shape,\u201d says Winters. \u201cThat\u2019s one of the reasons that I often land on content loops as the right answer. They\u2019re also more accessible for startups that are early and don’t have a ton of money to invest in other kinds of loops.\u201d<\/p>\n



Quick growth may be the focus of every early stage startup, but going viral or using funds to rapidly acquire users might not be the right move. To scale sustainably, layer in different approaches and explore other models, evaluating growth strategies against their ability to help you retain users and monetize in the long-run. If a content loop turns out to be the best path for your product, first identify the kind of content that will be valuable to your users and give them an incentive and a mechanism to share it. Once traffic starts flowing, find the source of your most valuable users, tweaking the product to match their intent and introducing a little friction when they arrive to help with conversion. Patiently run experiments to capture early learnings and focus on the right metrics at every stage of the content loop. Lastly, use SEO as a fire strategy for scaling, reaching out to influencers and pitching your data to earn links that build up authority. Above all, remember that the process of unlocking the right growth strategy takes time and testing, no matter how experienced you are.<\/p>\n

\u201cEven if you\u2019re an expert who understands the intricacies of a particular loop, every company requires a different approach. Growth articles on the Internet often say, \u2018I did this thing and it worked so everyone should do it,\u2019\u201d Winters says. \u201cBut at every company I\u2019ve worked for, the first experiment I tried was based on an idea that worked at the last company \u2014 and 100% of the time that experiment failed miserably. You can\u2019t copy a growth strategy from one place and paste it on top of a totally different business. You won\u2019t know what will work for your<\/em> product until you start the most important loop of all: testing, failing, learning and testing again.\u201d<\/p>\n

Photography by Dimitri Otis \/ DigitalVision \/ Getty Images.<\/em><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Crescimento em formato de taco de h\u00f3quei. Boca a boca. Tornar-se viral. Olhe al\u00e9m do jarg\u00e3o e encontre o sonho dos fundadores: o tipo de crescimento explosivo que as startups…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":2554,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"powerkit_post_featured":[],"yoast_head":"\nEx-L\u00edder de Crescimento do Pinterest e Grubhub sobre a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de Ciclos de Conte\u00fado - alfredolana.com<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/alfredolana.com\/ex-lider-de-crescimento-do-pinterest-e-grubhub-sobre-a-construcao-de-ciclos-de-conteudo\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"pt_BR\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Ex-L\u00edder de Crescimento do Pinterest e Grubhub sobre a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de Ciclos de Conte\u00fado - alfredolana.com\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Crescimento em formato de taco de h\u00f3quei. 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